Preparing 3D Scenes in Third-party Applications

  • Build your 3D scene using the same CAD that was used for modelling in LEGION Model Builder or Evac.
  • If a model is multi-level, the CAD levels must be separated for vertical circulation objects to work properly in LEGION 3D.
  • Ensure that the CAD you import into the third-party 3D software is centred on the same coordinates as the Model Builder CAD and uses the same units of measurement.
  • This will save time when matching the 3D scene to the accessible space within the .res or .ora file you will be using in LEGION 3D.
  • Keep 3D objects in your scene as ‘components’ or ‘meshes’. This will make them easier to manipulate in LEGION 3D and may help to keep the number of polygons within the file export limit of 64,000 polygons per object.
  • Apply colours and textures as required. When using textures, store them in the same folder as exported .3ds files and name them using the 8.3 convention (eight naming characters and three extension characters).
  • If you want shadows and lighting effects in your scene, you may find it best to apply these effects in your third-party software and then ‘Render to Texture’ (or ‘bake’) the scene before exporting the .3ds file.
  • For any pre-prepared animations (such as the arrival of a train at a platform) you will need to create the animation in third-party 3D modelling software.
  • Create .res and/or .ora files using LEGION Model Builder.